Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 5 - Rest Day

Today gave the team a well deserved break. After a fairly early start we said farewell to Somerset East and headed for the much anticipated game drive through the Addo Elephant Park. Only 1 km in we were treated to a fantastic sighting of a herd of Elephant. Other animals spotted included caracal, zebra, ostrich, warthogs, kudu, buffalo, tortoise, eland, hartebeest, Egyptian goose, meerkat as well as other smaller species of animals. A interesting sighting was that of the Flightless dung beetle, which is only found in the Addo Park (due to all the elephant dung they have adapted and no longer need wings) It was then off to the famous Nanaga Farm Stall for lunch, which consisted of delicious pies and refreshing drinks. After lunch it was back to Port Elizabeth to check-in to the B&B’s. The rest of the afternoon was spent lazing around and playing lots of four square.

This evening we went to the Boardwalk centre and Tenpin bowling. This was great fun and there was much inter-team competition. Mr Stamper and Alex shone showed that their skills are not only limited to the cricket field by winning the player and coach sections. It was then time for supper at the spur. Yummy.

After a long day of driving around and spotting animals the boys were tired and keen to get a good nights rest ahead of what will be one of the toughest matches of the tour against Muir College in Uitenhage.

Thanks for all the comments and encouragement, always good to know that people are interested. Keep them flowing.


  1. Glad you had a break,looks like fun, back to the Game, i will be thinking of you all at One Oclock, good luck Sam hope you are not too tired to show Muir we do know how to play cricket in the Western Cape!

  2. Sounds like a great day on Sunday! Play well against Muir College and good luck. I will be rooting for you all. Hi James, hope you are having a great time. We do miss you!

  3. Great blog guys. Awesome results. BH cricket is looking very healthy. Be careful about the comments regarding the Wizard. He might have to send the Cabby to deal with you!

  4. Glad you had a great day yesterday. Happy to hear you are feeling better Alex. Enjoy your last game and rest of your tour. We cant wait to see you all. Alex's Grandparents are very impressed with the way both teams have been behaving on and off the field. Well done guys.
